Saturday, October 10, 2009

forget emotions, move with the momentum

im sorry the few viewers i do have i have been slacking off on my dutys to update well im going to try to change that sometime soon im going to do a super scanning section and scan in a years worth of skecthbook work that for some reason i havent scanned so some day soon my deviant page is going to get a flood of new art i will also be putting a hunk of it up here

but on other notes right now im working on a dnd illustration for class when im doen i will do a big post on reference mid work and the final piece

as of late i have been trying to work alot of process out in my mind and figure alot of things that i always had a problem with in art out so...... i have been hitting some walls but i think i have breaking most them down and im starting to understand more

ok so on with the show for people like me who dont really go to art blogs to read here are some sketches i did today
and here are two pictures from an old sketch book